Frequently asked questions

  • I have over a decade of experience working with individuals and families.

  • We are all in relationships with ourselves and other systems. These have been present since birth, maybe before we are even born, and are constant. In these relationships, negative cycles play out that cause hard feelings. By looking at these cycles, we can find a thread that can help identify a path to peace and healing.

  • Yes, though I will always provide a referral for someone I think can help.

  • Confidentiality is part of what makes this space so unique. Information shared during sessions will be kept confidential. HIPPA protects you and your information from being shared in all spaces including the virtual space. There are only a few exceptions for confidentiality including:

    • Your intention to inflict physical harm to yourself or another person,

    • If it is disclosed that there is physical or sexual abuse or neglect of a child,

    • If you give written consent to share the information, and

    • If there is a valid court order.